T. A. Huggins (“The Infant Model,” p. 21) is a retired science instructor. Her articles have appeared in The Gem, Gems of Truth, Evangel-IN, Light and Life, and other publications. T. A. has also published devotionals in Light from the Word and Secret Place. She lives in Danville, IN.
Marion Duckworth (“Going Green,” p. 22) is an award-winning writer of 17 books and hundreds of articles that have appeared in such publications as Woman’s Day, Moody Monthly, and Writer’s Digest. Her memoir, Naked on God’s Doorstep, was released November 2007 by Multnomah Publishers. Marion lives in Vancouver, WA.
Cobey Bartlett (“Indian Summer,” p. 25) has been published in the trade journals Quality Digest and Plastic’s News. He has also written and directed numerous skits for his church. Cobey lives in Elkhart, IN.