Current Issue

July-August 2024

Our Audio BA is now available on the following platforms:

Page 4: Facing Perilous Times | Dr. David R. Downey
Page 8: The Immanuel Promise | R. Herbert
Page 12: Falling in Love with God | Bob Hostetler
Page 14: God Behind the Scenes | Harriet E. Michael
Page 18: Highly Esteemed in Heaven | Loren Gjesdal
Page 20: A Prophet’s Lament | Dorothy Nimchuk
Page 22: Redeemed | Caroline S. Cooper
Page 28: On Mission in Guatemala | Bryan Cleeton
Page 30: God’s Mission in the Prophets | Jason Overman

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The prophets critiqued the establishment of their time. What would be their criticism of the church today? The Meaning of Redemption

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