Blind Eyes Opened

There are more than 4.8 million people being sexually exploited worldwide, and more than one million of these are children (International Labour Organization). According to a recent report by the US State Department, the United States is one of the leading consumers of sex trafficking, as well as the leading country of origin for victims. On January 23, Ships of Tarshish will present Blind Eyes Opened: The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America, a first-of-its-kind look at the dark roots of sex trafficking, in a one-night-only cinema event.

“Once you’ve learned how to recognize human trafficking, you begin to see it everywhere – it’s in every single community,” said Executive Producer of Blind Eyes Opened and CEO US Institute Against Human Trafficking, Geoffrey Rogers.

Six years in the making, Blind Eyes Opened is a feature-length documentary exploring the growing epidemic of modern-day slavery, the industries feeding as well as fighting it, and the shocking scope of its infiltration into every segment of the US population. Contrasting the darkness, however, the film reveals the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to bring healing for victims and freedom to the captives.

Blind Eyes Opened will release in nearly 800 movie theaters nationwide on January 23 at 7:00 p.m. local time. For tickets and a complete list of theater locations, visit
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