Artios Countdown: 90 Days!

The countdown is on! On January 31, 2017, LifeSpring School of Ministry will become known as Artios Christian College. (That’s AR-tee-oss for those of you curious about the pronunciation.)

However, we won’t just be the same school with a different look. With Artios, we are taking the qualities that made LifeSpring so unique and transforming them into core strengths.

Here are 4 things you can look forward to:

  • A Laser Sharp Focus on Christian Leadership
  • Focused Christian Leadership Programs
  • Financially-Responsible Course Tuition
  • Greater Flexibility in Course Schedules

Let’s look at the first one. Here’s what we mean by…

A Laser Sharp Focus on Christian Leadership

For the past 7 years LifeSpring has applied our equipping ministry triangle of biblical foundations, restoration, and missional engagement to multiple areas of ministry. However, the reality is that these are foundations of Christian Leadership a common component of all Christian ministry.

When you decided to follow Jesus, you were re-created to be a leader.  We want to see you fully embrace what it means to be a vibrant leader.

By narrowing our focus to Christian leadership, Artios Christian College (Artios) will be able to better equip you to influence your families, churches, communities, and workplaces to more closely reflect God’s heart and plan for the world of the 21st century Church.

We will accomplish this through…

Focused Christian Leadership Programs

Artios will offer three Christian Leadership programs: A Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership, an Associate of Christian Leadership, and Certificate of Leadership Studies.

Our Bachelor and Associate programs are designed around an emphasis on biblical theology, restoration, and missional engagement that will enable you to apply principles of Christian leadership to your home, church, community, or workplace…or to shift your focus to a position of vocational Christian leadership.

Our Certificate of Leadership Studies program will allow you to mix and match 7 courses to greater develop your understanding and practice of Christian leadership.

Students who are currently enrolled in LifeSpring program will be able to transfer to one of these programs or stay in your current one.  However, we will not be admitting new students into the current academic programs administered by LifeSpring.

Meanwhile, it will cost less money to take courses because we are committed to…

Financially Responsible Course Tuition

We will be reducing our tuition to $250/course!!! This is less than 20% of what students pay for very similar classes at Christian colleges and universities whose tuition reflects the financial burden of accreditation.

Some courses will even be offered for less than $250. For example, a new introductory course entitled LEA 111 Foundations of Vibrant Leadership will be offered for just $99. Courses specific to Church of God (Seventh Day) will be also be offered at reduced rates.

We are also excited about…

Greater Flexibility in Course Schedules

Beginning Spring 2017, every course will be offered every year.

Not only that, but courses will span 5 weeks instead of 10 weeks.

Before you start worrying that this will double the time you currently spend studying, we are confident that this will not be the case. By focusing our courses around the Christian Leadership framework and allowing you to concentrate on coursework for a shorter period of time, we believe that this will make our courses both more meaningful and more efficient than our current 10-week schedule.

More to Come

Keep your eyes peeled these next few weeks for information regarding course schedules and how to enroll in one of our new programs!

The Militant Messiah Our Resurrection Hope

Written By

Amber Mann Riggs lives near Eugene, OR, with her husband and four daughters. She writes at

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