Winter Morning

Winter Morning

A forest sparkles bright in dawning sun
amid new-fallen snow this day begun.
There’s stirring movement here throughout the trees
in rustling boughs . . . a sermon in the breeze
in quiet celebration of God’s ways.
The faithful trees stand sure in utmost praise —
the woodland thriving patient for the Spring
as from a bough —  a blood-red cardinal sings. . . .

Lucia Kiersch Haase


How do we reconcile the Bible’s teaching of a God of love and a God of wrath? Attention Sabbath Schools

Written By

Lucia Kiersch Haase has been writing poetry for about 20 years. She has published a few books: Divine Light, Living Water, Between Two Lakes - Sonnets Through the Window, A Gathering of Stones, and Joy Blooms. She has had several poems published in the US and internationally over the past 15 years and was recently included in an anthology, Symphonies of the Wild Hearted. Lucia lives in Spring Valley, IL.

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