Verse Mapping Bible Study Series

A revolutionary new Bible study series from Kristy Cambron will empower individuals to go beyond simply reading the Bible to researching and uncovering how to apply the Word to their everyday lives. Called verse mapping, this technique helps the reader unpack the context of Scripture in a simple way and guarantees a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

Luke: Gathering the Goodness of God’s Word and Acts: Feasting on the Abundance of God’s Word are the first two studies in the series from Cambron, a passionate verse mapping teacher and popular Christian fiction author.

Verse mapping focuses on five steps to create “change-your-life” study time with God:

  • Verse: Select a verse to map
  • Design: Write your verse in several translations and identify key words or phrases
  • Develop: Look up key words and discover any underlying meanings
  • Actions: Research and document the people, places and context referenced
  • Outcome: Write a one- to two-sentence summary of what you learned and anchor the verse to your life

In both the Acts and Luke studies, Cambron provides step-by-step instructions on what you need and how to get started in verse mapping. Designed for independent study, all sizes of groups, and all age-ranges, verse mapping is for people who want to get real about studying God’s Word.

Luke: Gathering the Goodness of God’s Word and Acts: Feasting on the Abundance of God’s Word each consist of six video sessions that guide the reader through verse mapping a small section of Scripture. The accompanying Bible study guide includes diagrams for verse mapping, discussion questions, and group activity prompts.

For more information on verse mapping, visit

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