Psalm 39

Psalm 39

And every man’s a vapor and all our days a span

Concludes prophetic poet and contemplative man

When God rebukes iniquity the wicked melt away

No wonder lest I sin with words I muse and choose restraint

And people walk as shadows, heaping wealth in vain

So lest I trust this haziness, Lord, make me know my days

— Janet Barr


What’s Going On? Scripture Alone

Written By

Janet Barr has written for Decision, Friends of Faith, and young people’s devotional magazines. Her poetry is inspired by the Psalms, Christina Rossetti, and Emily Dickinson. “Psalm 39” is from her collection of poems titled Nearing the Finish Line. Janet considers herself blessed as a wife, mom, and grandmother. She and her husband live in Mesa, AZ.

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