To God be the Glory

Reading Time: 5 minutesLast in the BA’s 2017 sola series commemorating the five-hundredth year of the Reformation is the sola to which…

Did Jesus always exist with God the Father?

Reading Time: 2 minutesOur statements of faith say that Jesus always existed with God the Father. Can you share scriptures for this…

November-December 2017

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe November-December 2017 issue of the Bible Advocate is now available. Read it online…

Fall Fundraiser Letter

Reading Time: 3 minutesDonate to Bible Advocate Dear BA Reader and Friend, As I sit to write this fall support…

Spirit Led, Grace Grown

Reading Time: 5 minutesA mother was making pancakes for her sons, Kevin (five) and Ryan (three). The boys began to argue over…

Faith at the Crossroads

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe summer I turned eleven, my father gave me an ultimatum that set me on my life’s course. He sat…

Small Talk

Reading Time: 4 minutes“Hi! How are you?” “I’m well, thanks! How are you?” “I’m good!” And with that, social etiquette deems both individuals free to…

We Believe in Miracles!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAttention BA Readers!  I’m excited to announce a new Bible Advocate feature…

A Vibrant Church

Reading Time: 4 minutes“I’m going to be a Power Ranger when I grow up!” declared our four-year-old granddaughter. “You can be anything…

More Than Protest

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe BA team is wrapping up their work on the final issue of 2017. It’s off to…