Abortion Worldwide Report

The 46th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court took place recently. A new book published in 2018 reveals the impact of abortion nationally and globally. But it also contains the biblical truths and principles necessary to restore the sanctity of human life and legal protection of preborn children.

The Abortion Worldwide Report: 1 Century, 100 Nations, 1 Billion Babies (GLC Publications, 2018) was co-authored by Thomas W. Jacobson and Wm. Robert Johnston. The AWR was co-sponsored by the Global Life Campaign, Alliance for Life Ontario, Human Life International, National Right to Life, and Regent University.

Contrary to the wild and unverifiable global estimates asserted by the Guttmacher Institute and World Health Organization, the AWR contains the most accurate abortion numbers available for 100 nations and territories, including the United States. The Sacred Accounting tables (Part V) use 454 reliable sources and document the lives of more than 1 billion babies, year by year from 1921 through 2015. Even the conservative AWR annual numbers reveal that abortion is the number one cause of death in the United States and the world, and the Greatest Genocide. In 2015, there were about 915,000 abortions in the U.S., yet the Centers for Disease Control ignores abortions and ranked “diseases of heart” as the number one cause with 634,000 deaths (“Deaths: Leading Causes for 2016”).

The book includes a short review of the history of nations protecting life, beginning in the early 1800s, and those authorizing abortion beginning in 1920 (Part II). It contains a table of the policies of 196 nations (Part III), and numerous graphs, maps, tables and lists (Parts IV, VI, VII, Addendum I). The list of nations by cumulative abortions reveals the United States as third in the world, after PR China and the Russian Federation (Part VI). Also, the authors included 35 major findings in Part VII that are useful as talking or teaching points.

The Abortion Worldwide Report is available at: www.GLCPublications.com.

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