Working through a Crisis

Working Through a Crisis

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Working from home can be something alien to most of us. Adapting to the changes in our routines and lifestyle can be a bit of a shock to us both mentally and physically. As humans, we can adapt to changes as best as we can. After some suggestions from friends and family members, we can start creating our new normal with working from home, but why are we still down? Why am I still tired? Why am I still lingering in the past?

Most of us, maybe, have never worked through a crisis. Sometimes a “crisis” can extend to just the team I am in at work, my personal finances, or the neighborhood. But what if the crisis in worldwide?

I Have Found Myself in a Mourning Period

I have found myself in a mourning period. My heart aches for the families directly affected by Covid19. My family and I have been doing our part to slow the spread from social distancing to grocery online delivery orders. Our pantry is full, thankful for that, my children are safe, thankful for that, we have a home to shelter in, thankful for that, I have a job that I can work from home, thankful for that, but why am I still in low spirits?

I think about this verse when I noticed this trend. “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 ESV.

Working through a crisis took a toll on my spirit and I decided to pray to the Lord and do some activities to find joy every day. Here are 5 tips to help you while you are working through a crisis:

5 Tips to Help You Through a Crisis


Set the tone for the day at the beginning of the day. I like to start with prayer and devotion of one of my favorite books. I am currently doing the devotions of Moments with God for Moms by Karin Stubbs. This helps me balance my work demands and my children’s demands. I pick a word for the day and focus on finding God’s way to show me that word. It could be love, mercies, rhythm, or opportunities.

Set the tone for the day at the beginning of the day. - Janna Wiley Share on X


God created the heavens and the earth. What a great job He did! Going outside and admiring His creation has brought so much peace to my heart. I don’t have to go far beyond my garden to see His work in the grass, the flowers, the bugs going about their day. If you prefer you can go on a nature walk and point out your favorite creations.

Tip #3 RESET

Sometimes work will be stressful and you will have to reset. I recommend taking a 20-minute break to get out of your workspace, sit or lay down, and just rest. Your body can only do so much and studies have shown that just stopping your work to rest for at least 20 minutes will reenergize you.


The Bible is full of songs dedicated to God. I love to worship God through music and find comfort in the lyrics. When I get too drained and can’t get a clear head, I go to YouTube and look up my favorite worship songs and have a concert dedicated to God in my living room. Remembering His love for me and that He never stops working brings me hope. I am currently into the band Barak and their songs, as well as one of my favorite Hymns “Because He Lives.”

Tip #5 PRAY

God wants us to communicate with him during this time. A raw prayer that transmits your needs, your challenges, your sorrows to Him will open up a conversation and security, knowing that God is listening and working all in His perfect time.

God wants us to communicate with him during this time. - Janna Wiley Share on X

Working through a crisis is different. I truly hope that you can be the best version of yourself during this pandemic. Ask God for help, use 1 or 2 or none of these tips, whatever works for you. Ask God to guide you to be ok with the new “normal” and how you can still honor Him.

Janna Wiley
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Janna was born and raised in beautiful south Texas. She Studied at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, where she graduated with a degree in English Literature with double minor in Spanish and Communication Studies. She has worked in higher education for the past 5 years doing college success coaching and advising, and was a high school teacher before that. Her passion of servant leadership started in her early teens, and since then she has been serving her community and local church of Pharr, TX pastored by her father Minister Noe Reyes. She enjoys a good cup of coffee staring at her garden with her 4 children Olivia, Jacob, and twins Timothy & Thomas.