Study Guides (Curriculum)

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Our Bible curriculum and study guides on various Bible topics help local churches and study groups deepen their knowledge of God and His Word. Lessons are available for adults, junior high, and senior high youth; intermediate students (grades 4, 5, and 6); primary students (grades 1, 2, and 3); and preschool/kindergarten students (ages 3-5). These studies are also suitable for individuals to use in home settings.

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Bible Studies for Second Quarter 2018

Adult: Part 6 of the “TVR” Series: Rescue and Restoration

Written by Jody McCoy and Jason Overman

In this quarterly, Rescue and Restoration, we continue our journey of exploring Jesus as our Savior. Together, we’ll walk through twelve familiar Old Testament stories and see a loving God rescuing and restoring men and women with common yet diverse needs who turn to Him for help. We’ll also find parallels to these stories in the New Testament as Jesus, God’s one and only Son reveals the Father’s love, giving His life to rescue a fallen world and restoring those who trust in Him. The thirteenth, and last, lesson brings into the New Testament with the birth of Jesus, our Savior, to whom all the other stories point.  

Each of us in different ways, has been, and will be, and presently is, in need of God’s amazing grace. Jesus is that grace in person. He’s the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). He is our Lord and Savior. Salvation isn’t a reward for the righteous; salvation is our rescue and restoration. In this quarterly, we hope to remind ourselves just how true this is, and in the process, praise in gratitude the One who has redeemed us.  Order Here

Children’s Curriculum: Second Quarter 2018

 Intermediate – Paul’s Missionary Journeys

The students will learn that God had told the people of Israel hundreds of years earlier that He would send a Savior to bring salvation. The majority of the lessons are about the three missionary journeys of Paul and his companions, and their determination to share the gospel message under very try­ing circumstances.  Order Here

 Primary – The Last Days of Jesus

The students will learn about some of the events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. These lessons take the students from Jesus’ last supper with His disciples, to His agony in Gethsemane and His betrayal by Judas, to His crucifixion, and finally, to His resurrection.  Order Here

 Preschool – Jesus: Servant, Savior and Risen King

These lessons take the students from our Lord’s last supper to His crucifixion, and finally to His ascension into heaven. The students will learn that although Jesus is the Lord of all, He came to serve us, to take our sins, and to die in our place so that we can live with Him forever.  Order Here



Bible Studies for First Quarter 2018

(Click for teacher’s resources in English or Spanish [Powerpoint])

Adult: Part 5 of the “Transforming Vision into Reality” Series: Faith and Foundations

Written by Jody McCoy and Jason Overman

From the Quarterly Introduction: This quarterly, Faith and Foundations, is about placing our faith in Jesus, the physical manifestation of God’s grace, and trusting His goodness rather than our own. Christianity is founded, not on a principle but on the person of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we bear the name of Christ because His Spirit lives in us. Through His Spirit, we’re connected to the source of love, giving us the power of His unconditional love.

The quarterly is divided into an introductory lesson followed by three parts. In Part 1, we’ll explore our human nature and the limits of conditional love. In Part 2, we’ll talk about counterfeit crosses and discover the true cross of Christ. In Part 3, we’ll learn about God’s nature and unconditional love.

Throughout the quarterly and the series, the harmony of grace and truth will be a recurring theme. In the strength of our own conditional love, we cannot harmonize grace and truth. We’ll gravitate toward either a truth that sacrifices grace or a grace that sacrifices truth. Jesus is the fullness of both grace and truth, and His Spirit brings both into harmony. The power of His love gives us the strength to grow in His grace and in His truth, where we discover the joy of surrender and sacrifice. Order Here


Children’s Curriculum: First Quarter 2018

     Intermediate. In The Early Church Begins, lessons begin with Jesus’ ascension and instructions to the disciples to remain in Jerusalem for a time. Lessons include stories about the rapid growth of the church, miracles performed by the disciples, how the believers shared, the persecution and dispersion of believers, Saul’s conversion, Peter’s vision, and Cornelius becoming a Christian. Order Here

     Primary. The Life and Ministry of Jesus teaches students that Jesus did some amazing things while on earth, such as healing the sick and raising the dead to life. Sometimes Jesus chose to forgive a sin-burdened paralytic, test a father’s faith, or allow a dear friend to die because He had an even greater goal in mind. More than anything, Jesus wants us to believe and trust in Him through everything. Order Here

     Preschool. Lessons in Jesus, God’s Power and Love Revealed take students from the early part of Jesus’ ministry to His triumphal entry and His cleansing of the temple. They will learn that Jesus was truly God and that He showed us God’s power and love throughout His life on earth. They will learn that Jesus’ miracles show us that Jesus can do anything and has the power to forgive sins. He truly loves and cares about us. Order Here

Living By God’s Word (Part 1 and 2). A quarterly series for teens covering This We Believe: The Teachings of the Church of God (Seventh Day)

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Bible Studies for Fourth Quarter 2017

-Adult: Part 4 of the “Transforming Vision into Reality” Series: Church on Mission

Written by Whaid Rose

From the Quarterly Introduction: Welcome to the final installment in a four-part series, designed to unpack the General Conference’s Vision of a Vibrant 21st Century Church. Believing that “If better is ever possible, good is never enough,” the leadership of the General Conference has carefully articulated this vision of a preferable future, comprised by the following ten components: Christ Centered, Spirit Formed, Bible Based, Sabbath Celebrating, Distinct Yet Inclusive, Passionate in Worship, Compassionate in Service, Engaging in Witness, United in Fellowship, and Committed to Discipleship

This series of lessons is part of a concerted effort to transform this vision into reality. The true value of any vision lies in its effective implementation. Key to implementing any vision is articulating it well, fleshing it out, making it plain. This is being done through various means, including the adult Sabbath school quarterly. Accordingly, all four quarterlies in 2017 have been given to this effort, each one covering two or three of the vision points. This final installment in the series addresses Engaging in Witness and Committed to Discipleship.

The title given to this quarterly is Church on Mission because it addresses the goal our vision points to: being a church that actively engages the lost with the gospel of Christ and disciples those who come to Him. Lessons 1-6 explore our evangelistic heart and the spirit of witness that moves us ever forward. With Lessons 7-10 focusing on discipleship, the last vision point brings us full circle and pulls the other nine together. It underscores our ongoing commitment to being intentional and lifelong disciples of Jesus, eager to learn, grow, and see the vision become reality. And because of the relationship between vision and values,

Lessons 11 and 12 address core values, those foundational principles that undergird the way we think and act as believers. Finally, Lesson 13 concludes this 52-week series by emphasizing the awesome power of a dream. The goal of this effort is “transforming vision into reality.” Dreams, like faith, give substance to things we don’t yet see, making tangible things we yet hope for (Hebrew 11:1).

Whether you’ve followed this series from the beginning or not, we hope the overarching emphasis is clear, articulated by Conference President Loren Stacy: “Each vision point is biblical and flows from a focus upon Jesus Christ, ‘so that in everything He might have the supremacy’ (Colossians 1:18, NIV).” Indeed, may Jesus have the supremacy in every way within the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day), and wherever Christ-honoring and truth-loving believers study these lessons. Order Here


Intermediate. In The Bible and the Beginning students will learn that the
Bible is God’s own Word, given to people through men He selected and
inspired to write. Several lessons explain how the Bible came into being, its
purpose and content, and how it came to us. One lesson talks about our
indescribable God and Creator, who provided the Bible for us.  Order Here

Primary. God Gave His Son Jesus to Us teaches students that God gave
His Son Jesus to us; that Jesus was born an ordinary baby; that He grew up
knowing He was the true Passover Lamb who would die for us; and that He
was baptized and overcame temptations through the power of God’s Word.
Students also learn that Jesus called men to follow Him, that He ministered
to the needs of others, and that did all this so we might follow Him and
allow Him to transform our ordinary lives into extraordinary ones.  Order Here

Preschool. Students studying Immanuel, God with Us will learn about the
life of Jesus — from His birth, to His baptism and calling of His disciples,
and then to the early part of His ministry. They will learn that God wanted
people to truly know Him, so He sent His own Son Jesus to our world.
Through Him, we can know God. Students will learn that God came to our
world, not as a mighty king, but as a humble babe. Although He grew up as
an ordinary child, Jesus knew that God was His Father. He called people to
follow Him and tell others about Him. As Immanuel, Jesus performed
miracles to bless and teach people truths about God. Order Here

Bible Studies for Third Quarter 2017

-Adult: Part 3 of the “Transforming Vision into Reality” Series: The God of Grace

Written by Whaid Rose and Jason Overman

Part 3 of the Transforming Vision into Reality quarterly series is off the press and ready to order. Covering the next three of the 10-point Vision to be a Vibrant 21st Century Church, Elder Whaid Rose explores the great grace of God in making us into a people of compassionate service, united fellowship and passionate worship. Available in Adult and Sr. Youth editions. Download order form above or order at


Intermediate: God Gave the Ten Commandments    The students will learn that when we disobey God’s will and laws we commit sin; that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins; and that God gave the Ten Commandments as our basic moral law. The first three lessons explain the meaning, origin, and consequences of sin. Lesson four explains that God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins. The rest of the lessons are devoted to explaining God’s moral law for humanity, the Ten Commandments, and the importance of obeying God’s law.

Primary: Our Mission – To Share the Gospel with Everyone    The students will learn that God has given us a great work to do. We are to share the gospel with everyone in the whole world. However, God has also given us everything we need to do this great work. These lessons focus on stories from the book of Acts. Students will learn about the early followers of Christ and how they carried the gospel around the world.

Preschool: Knowing God and Believing in Him    These lessons continue where last quarter ended, starting with Moses sending out the twelve spies and ending with Ruth marrying Boaz. Through these lessons the students will learn that God is an awesome, all-powerful God who can do anything. They will also learn that He will empower us to do great things for Him just like He empowered Joshua, Gideon and Samson. Most of all, they will see that God sent Jesus to die on the cross so that anyone who believes in Him will be saved.

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Bible Studies for Second Quarter 2017

-Adult: Part 2 of the “Transforming Vision into Reality” Series: The Spirit of Truth

Written by Whaid Rose, Israel Steinmetz and Jason Overman

Part two in our four-part quarterly series for 2017 based on the Transforming Vision into Reality message of the General Conference. This quarterly is suitable for adult and senior youth classes and covers the next three points in our 10-point vision: Spirit Formed, Sabbath Celebrating and Distinct Yet Inclusive. Order Part 2 – Spirit of Truth today at or download order form above.


Intermediate: Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection
Topics: These lessons start with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and include the Passover meal, institution of the Lord’s Supper, His trial, crucifixion, resurrection, instructions for the disciples, and His return to heaven. The goal of these lessons is to help the students learn that Jesus came to teach His disciples, give His life as a sacrifice for our sins so we could have eternal life, and will return some day.

Primary: Rejoice in the Lord Always
Topics: These lessons focus on some of the stories in the Old Testament that were not previously covered. Students will follow characters in the Bible, including Job, Daniel and Esther, as they face difficult and trying situations. They will learn that in every situation we can respond with trust in God and obedience to Him, believing He will bring something good out of it. Best of all, we ourselves will become more like Him as we let Him use situations to refine us like gold.

Preschool/Kindergarten: God – Strong Deliverer, Merciful Savior
Topics: These lessons continue where last quarter ended, starting with Moses in Egypt and ending with the Israelites building the tabernacle in the wilderness. Through these lessons the students will learn that God chose the Israelites to be His special people and that He delivered them in miraculous ways from the Egyptians. But they will also see how merciful and patient God was with Pharaoh and all the Egyptians and that it is truly His desire to save all who will come to Him by faith.

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Bible Studies for First Quarter 2017


Adult: “Transforming Vision into Reality” Quarterly Series

Written by Whaid Rose

The BAP is excited to announce a four-part quarterly series for 2017 based on the Transforming Vision into Reality message of the General Conference. These adult quarterlies will also be suitable for junior and senior high Sabbath school classes and will explore the ten-point vision of the Church of God (Seventh Day): Christ Centered, Spirit Formed, Bible Based, Sabbath Celebrating, Distinct Yet Inclusive, Passionate in Worship, Compassionate in Service, Engaging in Witness, United in Fellowship, and Committed to Discipleship. We hope our whole church will study these 52 lessons together in 2017 and so more closely realize the vision God has given us. Order Part 1 – Christ the Word today at

Intermediate: Jesus’ Ministry

These lessons focus on what Jesus taught and did when He was here on earth. The students will learn why He came, how He cared for people, and why it is important to accept Him as Savior. They will also learn that we must have faith to accept Jesus and His teaching as a way of life. Finally, they will learn that we can be fully confident that Jesus’ promise of eternal life will be fulfilled.

Primary: Kings and Prophets

These lessons focus on the stories in 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings, continuing where last quarter left off: from David bringing the ark to Jerusalem to Elisha healing Naaman of leprosy. Students will witness what happens when people follow and obey God. They will also see what happens when the same people turn away from God and disobey Him. Most importantly, students will learn that God loves and provides for us always and is eager to forgive us when we’ve sinned. God wants to live in each one of us and empower us by His Spirit to do His will.

Preschool/Kindergarten: God – Always in Control, Always with a Plan

These lessons continue where last quarter ended, starting with Noah and the Flood and ending with Joseph saving his family from the famine. Through these lessons the students will see that God is always in control, that He always keeps His promises, and that He always has a plan to bring good out of the worst situations. Finally, they will see that God can be trusted and that if we truly trust Him, we will obey Him.

Bible Studies for Fourth Quarter 2016

4QCover (1)

Adult: Jesus Moments

From the author, Elder Ken Lawson:  There is so much to learn from the life of Jesus. The last verse of John says that if we had the record of all Jesus did, the world might not be able to hold all the books (John 21:25). This quarterly does not attempt to study all Jesus’ teachings but selects thirteen special moments in the life of Jesus where His teaching is found in the story itself. In these events, Jesus taught more by actions and interactions than by words. All “Jesus moments” are learning moments, and all His actions have much to teach us. So in each of the selected events in this quarterly, we focus on the Jesus story and attempt to enter it with Him to discover the basic teaching. What we learn is down-to-earth and applicable to everyday life.

Intermediate: The Promise of a Savior

These lessons focus on the prophecies of the Old Testament about Jesus’ first coming, His birth, baptism and temptations. The students will come to understand that we all need a Savior and that Jesus is the answer to our need.

Primary: The Shepherd King

These lessons focus on the stories in 1 Samuel, from Hannah asking God for a son to David becoming the king of Israel. The students will also study Psalm 23.

Preschool: God – Eternal Ruler, Awesome Creator, Loving Savior

These lessons introduce the students to God as the Eternal One who always existed and who created all things. They will learn about Adam and Eve, their fall, and the plan of salvation.

Ordering information

Order from Bible Advocate Press, P.O. Box 33677, Denver, CO 80233; 303-452-7973; or; or order online.

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