I Want to Know

The largest Bible translation campaign to ever be introduced on social and digital media launched in March, helping make Scripture available in every language in the next 12 years.

The “I Want to Know” campaign gives people the opportunity to sponsor the translation of one or more Bible verses in partnership with one of the 3,800 language communities worldwide that don’t yet have a complete Bible. More than 2,000 of those languages don’t have a single verse of Scripture yet.

The campaign is spearheaded by illumiNations, an alliance of the world’s leading Bible translation organizations.

In the “I Want to Know” campaign, viewers will hear powerful testimonies from people who don’t yet have access to the full Bible in the language they understand best.

For $35, participants in this campaign can sponsor one translated verse of Scripture. People are also encouraged to post the Bible verse they “want the world to know” on social media using the hashtag #IWTKBible.

“The translators are in place, the strategy is in place, and with support from Christians across the U.S. and around the world, we can help every single person on earth access Scripture in the language they understand best,” said Bill McKendry, campaign creative director.

The illumiNations alliance envisions all people having access to Scripture by the year 2033, a target they’re calling the “All Access Goals.” It means 95 percent of the world’s population will have access to a full Bible, 99.96 percent will have access to a New Testament, and 100 percent will have access to at least some portion of Scripture.

The “I Want to Know” campaign will play a significant role in making the Bible available to all.

Visit illuminations.bible/know and follow illumiNations on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to join the campaign.

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