His Voice

Read and consider John 20:11-16. In this scene Mary went to Christ’s gravesite and was told He was not there. A moment of terror must have come upon her — like an out-of-body experience — and she became oblivious to her surroundings and others nearby.

Then she spoke to Jesus, but she could not see Him for who He was, mistaking Him for the gardener. He took note of her state and control of the situation. Using a tone she could recognize, He simply said, “Mary.”

She turned, recognized Him, and said, “Rabboni!” (or Teacher).

When life gets complicated and we get caught up in our trials or ourselves Jesus will comfort us as only He knows how. Just a simple mention of her name, with His, and Mary’s moment of terror ceased.

The songwriter penned the words “His Voice Makes the Difference.” They take on new meaning in view of the empty tomb. We complicate things by rationalization, trying to figure things out. Jesus keeps things simple. He knows what words we need to hear and when we need to hear them. He keeps cool and works things out for our good. In my recent surgery, He was there next to me whispering, “Peace, be still,” calming all my fears.

It’s all about Jesus, yes — simply Jesus.

Psalm for Troubled Times

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