For Kids

David Discovers


January-February — David Discovers God as Creator

March-AprilDavid Discovers Real Courage

May-JuneDavid Discovers God’s Presence


January-FebruaryDavid Discovers Wholly . . . Holy . . . Holey

March-AprilDavid Discovers Rebellion

May-JuneDavid Discovers Meekness

July-AugustDavid Discovers Repentance

September-OctoberDavid Discovers the Joy of Serving Others

November-DecemberDavid Discovers the Eternity with God

  • David Discovers Jeremiah

    David Discovers Jeremiah

    “Say, Dad, who’s your favorite prophet?” David asked. “Whoa there! Where did that come from?” Dad responded. “My favorite prophet?” “Yeah. I know which one is my favorite: Jeremiah! He’s so cool!” “Cool, huh?” Dad smiled. “Why don’t you tell me what makes him so cool.” “Well, first off, God chose him before he was […]

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  • David Discovers God’s Presence

    David Discovers God’s Presence

    David trudged down the long driveway, dragging his feet in the dirt. Skippy looked at him, as if to ask what was wrong. When David reached the house, he went straight to the kitchen island, plopped a package on the table, and sat staring at it. “So, who’s the box for?” Mom asked. “Me. It’s […]

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  • David Discovers Real Courage

    David Discovers Real Courage

    “Why so glum, David?” Papa asked. “You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.” “Ahhh . . . it sounds silly to talk about,” David answered. “Try me.” “I want to be courageous,” David explained, “but it seems that when I get into scary situations, I freeze up. When do […]

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