I crave time with older women. Whether one year older or fifty, I am hungry for their influence. This craving is spiritually innate.
Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.” – Titus 2:3-5
Titus 2:3-5 instructs older women to mentor the younger; it tells them to set a godly example for the next generations. So, it makes sense that as a younger woman I desire the influence of my female elders.
Too Busy for Blessing
In our busy culture, making time for mentorship is not a priority. We all have our to-do lists, demanding responsibilities, and personal needs. Giving more than is required of ourselves can easily feel more like an obligation than a blessing. Thus, many of us avoid the call and deny the instruction. In effect, we remain stressed out in our personal bubbles completely unaware of the blessing meant for us when we obey.
There are many girls younger than I who could use my time and attention. It is convicting to take my eyes off of myself and realize I have made them my last priority. If I am craving mentorship from older godly women, why do I assume younger women are not craving the same from women like me?
Sure, I can make excuses.
“I’m not godly enough….”
“I don’t know enough….”
“I’ve never been in that situation…”
“If I had time…”
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
The Call to Mentor
There are no conditions mentioned in Titus 2:3-5. Paul did not say, “Now, older women, once you have gone a whole year without sinning and mastered life, then you are to reach out to only the younger women whom you relate to the most.”
God created within me the craving for deep, intimate friendship with women who are lovingly abandoned to Him. My response should be joyful obedience to meet this same craving that He has placed within my younger sisters.
[bctt tweet=”If the body of Christ waited until it was perfect, it would never be ready to glorify its Head. – Caitlin Meadows”]
If the body of Christ had to wait until it was perfect in and of itself, it would never be ready to glorify its Head. The body of Christ is perfect because Christ is perfect.
[bctt tweet=”Nothing in life is about me w/o being about Christ first. – Caitlin Meadows”]
I am liberated from the chains of sin and death because Christ liberated me. He is perfect and I am His. Nothing in life is about me without being about Him first. I am to point others to Christ. The instruction He gives us in His Word is intended to be accomplished through us but by and for Him. Obedience always begins with surrender and ends with unmatchable blessing.
Everyday Leadership Through Mentorship
Mentorship does not have to be difficult. It’s simply opening your door and heart to another person and humbly confessing:
“I have surrendered every aspect of my life to Christ and He is continually working on me to set me apart for Himself. You’re welcome to watch, learn, and ask questions. Learn from me, allow me to learn from you, and we’ll learn together. But please, keep your eyes on Christ and encourage me to do the same, because He is our ultimate Teacher.”
Re-created by Christ, He has restored us as leaders in His image on earth. Our leadership status is not derived from any human institution but from God Himself. He calls us as we are and where we are to influence those He has placed around us to discover Him. This is mentorship in its most basic sense. When we belong to Christ, we are called and compelled to lead on His behalf through mentoring relationships.
Christian mentorship encompasses all areas of daily living. Because the Christian life is not compartmentalized. Our relationship with the Lord is not segregated from our relationships with our families, friends, and co-workers. As a follower of Jesus, He influences every last corner and crevice of our lives. And He influences every person and situation that we encounter.
Satisfy the Craving
The guidance of godly women is something I find myself longing for more with every passing day. I desire to learn from them how to be a more selfless wife and a mommy who offers her family (and herself) grace. I want to know how to more efficiently keep my home and how to be a productive employee. Most importantly, I crave to learn how to keep Christ central when juggling all of the above.
Women wear so many different hats, often all at once. This can be an isolating reality! As a result, I need the assurance that I am not the only woman to encounter struggles or ask questions.
There is a certain community that I crave, to know I am not alone.
We are a Church, a family who will spend eternity together praising our Creator in His incredible Kingdom. My hunger is for that experience to begin now as I am both mentored by the older and mentoring the younger.
Titus 2:3-5 is a call on women to increase the Kingdom; a call that I crave to satisfy through mentorship. What about you?
Want to become better equipped as a leader and mentor in your circles of influence?
Here are a few resources you might be interested in:
- Read Why Jesus-Followers Should See Themselves as Leaders
- Get Artios Christian College’s free download of Discovering Your Leadership Strengths
- Enroll in Artios Christian College’s introductory course: Essentials of Vibrant Leadership
A version of this article was previously published by the Bible Advocate.