
Statistics from CyberSafeKids’ new research shows that 26 percent of children have seen or experienced something online in the last year that bothered them; 29 percent of those children kept it to themselves and didn’t tell their parents or someone else. In addition:

  • 20 percent state that they have seen something online that they wouldn’t want their parents to know about;
  • 64 percent of children said that they’d been contacted by a stranger in an online game.
  • 26 percent report that they have friends and followers that they don’t know offline.

Many games today feature violence and other illicit activities that have been said to link with depression and mental health problems.

Anxiety, suicide, and depression rates are at all-time highs for children, precisely tracked with the use of social media on smartphones.

TruPlay is reaching families around the world with high-quality entertainment products that encompass God’s truth. It is building games, digital comics, video content, and Web 3.0 content to bring light to a world in need of God’s love, hope, and truth.

TruPlay is a team of dozens of industry veterans with deep expertise in games, storytelling, animation, entertainment, and technologywho are committed to seeing the betterment of children around the world. TruPlay launched the first major NFT release by a Christian technology company recently with 6,650 Genesis NFTs, which minted out within 10 minutes of their release on the morning of September 15. To date, TruPlay has raised over $20 million in investor capital, an accomplishment that validates its vision to create safe, edifying content for children. For more information, visit

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