Seeing Jesus from the East

In many Western cultures, the person of Jesus is seen primarily through the lens of Western reasoning and linear thought. Western readers often miss the underlying nuances in the text that reflect the Eastern mind-set of the authors of Scripture.

In their latest release, Seeing Jesus from the East, well-known authors Ravi Zacharias and Abdu Murray rediscover some key cultural insights about Jesus that we often miss when we ignore the Eastern context of the Bible. They offer a refreshing picture of Jesus, one that appeals to Eastern readers and can also impact the hearts and imaginations of postmodern Westerners.

Ravi Zacharias is the founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, and a globally recognised speaker and author. For most of his life, Abdu Murray was a proud Muslim and acclaimed lawyer in the US, he is now a scholar and speaker and also the Senior Vice President of RZIM.

Released on April 28, Seeing Jesus from the East, invites believers and skeptics, both Eastern and Western, to a fresh encounter with Jesus through the experience and wisdom of these authors.

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