Paul’s Promise

Set in the peak of the 1960s Civil Rights movement, Paul’s Promise will be in theaters October 21.

The film depicts the inspiring true story of Paul Holderfield, former racist firefighter-turned-pastor who started one of the first integrated churches in the American South. It’s one man’s journey to hope and healing during a troubled time in our nation’s history. It resulted in one man’s decision to serve God and stand up to injustice. The story continues to make a huge impact on the community to this day.

The Church is faced with many issues surrounding our culture today. Food security and racism are just two of these realities that are flash points for division, not just in other parts of the country, but in every city of every state, including our own backyard. Yet in the midst of all this division, the Church is called to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Churches should mirror the love and mercy of God by following Paul’s exhortation in Romans 12: “Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” While Paul’s Promise is set in the 1960’s, these issues are just as prevalent today. This movie challenges us to put our faith into action and to tap into the incredible power of prayer.

For more information, visit

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