This year’s National Forgiveness and Happiness Day is scheduled for November 1. This year’s message will take the form of the following pledge.
We pledge allegiance to care for one another, encourage one another, love one another, listen to one another, and forgive one another no matter what.
We pledge allegiance to follow the 28 most important words for true happiness: Please. Thank you. I love you. What should I do? Care-encourage-love-listen-forgive. I’m wrong. I’m sorry. Forgive me. What may I do to help you?
We pledge allegiance to declare the day a truly happy day. Give thanks in all circumstances. Be positive in all things. Have an attitude of gratitude. Count it all joy in our suffering. Care-encourage-love-listen-forgive one another no matter what. Speak the truth with love. Ask good questions. Listen with understanding. Think in silence.
We pledge allegiance to be humble. Stop self-righteousness. Admit errors and mistakes. Overcome the spirit of fear. Do not hold a grudge, ill will, or anger toward any person, place, or thing. Avoid having to be right. Avoid being judgmental. Avoid trying to control the outcome and other people. Avoid being selfish. Control attitude, honesty, and the words that come out of the mouth. Trust God.
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