Thought Provoking #Leadership Posts

Everyday Christians are recreated to be leaders in our realms of influence.

As with every facet of our lives, God calls us to be good stewards of the resources He has given us. This stewardship not only includes tangible things like material items and finances, but also the intangible things like skills, relationships, and influence.

A big part of stewarding our influence is learning how to integrate our lives with leadership skills that increase our ability to bring the people and environments around us into a closer alignment with the Kingdom of God. Once we make the conscious decision to pursue stewardship of our leadership calling we suddenly realize there are endless opportunities to learn and to grow in our understanding of leadership.

With that in mind, the editors of Artios Magazine have complied some of their favorite leadership posts on everything from intimidation to strengths and weaknesses. As you scroll through, take time to ask how these insights can help you grow your influence and expand your leadership horizons. (Even in cases where the tweets and Instagram posts aren’t from Christian leaders, the leadership principles still apply.)

Here’s Some of Our Favorite #Leadership Posts:

Are you ready to become intentional about your leadership journey?

Joining The Dance Support the BA

Written By

Artios Magazine (pronouced AR-tee-oss) is a publication of Artios Christian College (, an online-based college that exists to serve Christ and His Body by equipping leaders for a “vibrant 21st century Church“.

Believing that all Christians have a natural realm of influence, our mission is to partner with you in your natural realm of influence by connecting you with resources that equip you to more effectively invite people to experience the Kingdom of God.

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