Do you identify as a leader?
If you had asked me this question three years ago I would have called you crazy. I am an extreme introvert. As a result, the thought of being a leader—of telling people what to do or making decisions for a group—made me want to retreat to my quiet corner of the world and hide behind the cover of a book.
Not only am I an introvert, but I’m really good at helping out behind the scenes. Do you need kitchen help at a church hosted dinner? No problem! Music selected and organized for the worship team next Sabbath? You got it! Any position that involved operating quietly in the background was my special niche. It was where I felt safe and comfortable.
Leadership Redefined
However, this feeling of safety was compromised when I took a leadership course[ref]through Signature Leadership Courses[/ref]. Immediately the way I had always defined myself was challenged. This redefinition began with a simple statement: as a Christian you have been re-created to be a leader in your every day life.
I didn’t believe the instructor at first. Surely he couldn’t be talking about introverts? If he knew me he would agree that I was more adept at staying behind the scenes.
He meant everyone who has accepted Christ as Lord and Savior has been re-created to live a new life—a life of encouraging others to know Christ and His Kingdom.
What’s more, according to John Maxwell, this leadership is defined as influence. It’s as simple as that. Whenever you influence someone to act in a certain way you are leading them. We all have some amount of influence over someone else, no matter how small, and that means we are all leaders.
[bctt tweet=”Leadership is influence. – John Maxwell”]
With this revelation, the question we need to ask ourselves is not “am I a leader?” but rather, “what kind of leader am I?”
The Leadership Conversation
To help you further understand your redefined role as a leader, Artios Christian College is here with a candid conversation about leadership. In this short video, Artios’ Dean of Academic Affairs, Isreal Steinmetz and Artios’ Dean of Administration, Amber Riggs expand on this concept of leadership and what it looks like in your daily life.
[bctt tweet=”If we can’t recognize our ability to influence other people, it becomes difficult to be intentional about leadership. – Amber Riggs”]
Make sure to subscribe to Artios Christian College’s YouTube channel so you don’t miss any upcoming leadership conversations! In the meantime you can expand your new identity as a leader by checking out Artios’ introductory course Essentials of Vibrant Leadership. This course weaves the foundations of character and discipleship into the fabric of Christian leadership and provides an opportunity to learn alongside other individuals who have also begun to incorporate this redefinition of leadership into their daily lives.
To start you off, here are some additional resources:
- Read Why Jesus-Followers Should See Themselves as Leaders
- Read 10 Qualities of Influential Christians
- Get Artios Christian College’s free download of Discovering Your Leadership Strengths