Kingdom Come


Oh how we seek that kingdom come

When Satan’s rule is finally done

And peace is on this earth at last,

With sin and evil finally past.

How happy we all will be;

The patriarchs we’ll finally see

And hear their stories of the past,

Then join together at trumpet’s blast.

The flesh will be gone and, in Spirit, we

Shall see our Father, eternally free.

The holy days we knew before

With our families we will love all the more.

To Jerusalem we all will come

To worship Father and His Son.


Now in eternity I see the child

Snuggled to the beast, once wild. 

Earth was such an uphill climb,

Looking forward to the final time.

I’m glad those days at last are done;

The flesh is gone, our victory won.


Susan Lewis 


Why does our Statement of Faith (#10) repeat “As a result — not a cause — of redemption, believers should. . . .” This We Believe

Written By

Susan Lewis, retired from a horse ranch, writes poetry and stories related to spiritual growth experiences, lessons learned, and trials she’s overcome. She keeps in touch with brethren in her church who are remote or don’t have computers, to uplift and encourage them. Susan lives in Elkhorn, WI.

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