Expositor’s Bible Commentary

For a brief time the 12-volume Expositor’s Bible Commentary set is on sale at Logos Bible software.
You can save 64 percent on this set featuring classic evangelical scholarship from Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Leon Morris, D. A. Carson, and many others.

Learn more and get the full set on sale now at Logos Bible software.

Don’t wait! The deal will disappear on March 27, 2017!

How does this commentary approach Scripture? Hear from the editor, the late Frank E. Gaebelein:

The chief principle of interpretation followed in this commentary is the grammatico-historical one—namely, that the primary aim of the exegete is to make clear the meaning of the text at the time and in the circumstances of its writing.

This endeavor to understand what in the first instance the inspired writers actually said must not be confused with an inflexible literalism. Scripture makes lavish use of symbols and figures of speech; great portions of it are poetical. Yet when it speaks in this way, it speaks no less truly than it does in its historical and doctrinal portions.

To understand [Scripture’s] message requires attention to matters of grammar and syntax, word meanings, idioms, and literary forms—all in relation to the historical and cultural setting of the text.

This commentary will help you navigate all aspects of interpretation necessary for powerful teaching and preaching.

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