A Conversation About Pastors and the Vaccines

Facebook Live Event, April 27

Redeeming Babel founder Curtis Chang, a faculty member of the Duke Divinity School, Senior Fellow at Fuller Theological Seminary, and founder of ChristiansAndTheVaccine.com, will host a Facebook Live webinar event with David French, senior editor of The Dispatch, and Joel Rainey, lead pastor at Covenant Church in Shepherdstown West Virginia.

This is for pastors and other Christians across the country to discuss the issue of vaccine hesitancy within the evangelical population. Bringing their specialized perspectives and experiences together, Chang, French, and Rainey will primarily focus the conversations on the challenges pastors face as they try to lead their congregations and balance the right of individual choice with wise counsel on the safety, efficacy. and value of getting the vaccine. Registration for the event is not required.

What: “A Conversation about Pastors and the Vaccines” Facebook Live event

Who: Curtis Chang, founder of Redeeming Babel, former pastor and faculty at Duke Divinity School; David French, senior editor of The Dispatch; and Joel Rainey, lead pastor at Covenant Church in Shepherdstown,West Virginia

Where: Redeeming Babel Facebook Page, http://bit.ly/VaccineandPastor

When: Tuesday, April 27, 7:00 p.m. EDT

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