Over the course of 2017, Artios Magazine has covered much ground and addressed some heavy issues! We’ve published articles on everything from changing diapers and doing laundry to supporting same-sex attracted Christians. We’ve covered the importance of understanding our culture’s postmodern roots and why student loan debt isn’t an exception to the biblical rule. Through it all our mission has been to encourage our readers to embrace their leadership potential as they influence others for Jesus Christ. As we ring in 2018, let’s take a moment to reflect on Artios Magazine’s top posts of 2017[ref]the top 5 articles are according to WordPress analysis of the most viewed articles on our site.[/ref]:
# 5. A Compelling Case for Contemporary Worship Songs
If you’ve ever been caught up in a “worship war” this piece is for you. Here, Israel Steinmetz addresses a common argument over whether traditional or contemporary songs are appropriate for worship. He offers a biblical explanation for the value of contemporary music in the Church.
For all that traditional songs can offer us they can no longer answer the call to ‘sing a new song’. To do this, each generation must offer its own original sacrifice of praise to God.
Contemporary worship is not something we can take or leave as we like. It is something that the Church needs in every generation.”
#4. 6 Reasons I’m Excited to be a Millennial Christian
Often represented in a negative or satirical way, the millennial generation nonetheless has some exciting things to offer the Church. This piece, written by Amber Riggs, explores some exciting contextual strengths that are defining Christian leadership among the millennial generation.
What this means for the Church is that we have a generation who is highly aware of needs not only in the local community but the global community, and we want the Church to define and act on the intersection of these needs and the gospel.
The millennial generation truly is a ‘bridge’ generation. Born in one millennium but leading in the next, we are bridging the span between two eras of history.”
#3. Why Jesus Followers Should See Themselves as Leaders
If you’re relatively new to Artios and our message, this article is the place to start! Whether you see yourself as a leader or not, Amber shares biblical insight that all Christians should think of themselves as leaders with the potential to influence others for Christ.
For some, the idea of leadership is intimidating. Others want to lead but don’t feel they are given the opportunity. Some lead in the background without the recognition traditionally associated with leadership. Still others are recognized as leaders but doubt their ability to lead.
Leadership is about recognizing the influence you have in your current realm and then choosing to use that influence in an intentional way. For Christian leaders, that intent goes back to the imago dei. Our influence is to be used to reconcile creation to the ultimate leadership of Christ.”
#2. Supporting Same-Sex Attracted Christians
Our culture is shifting. Topics like homosexuality and marriage have brought the issue of same-sex attraction to the forefront of our society. How do we, as followers of Jesus, minister effectively to those who struggle with this? Thankfully Christians who experience same-sex attraction are bravely speaking out without abandoning biblical truth:
We need the lens of the gospel to see beyond the surface, first in our own hearts, and then as we relate with others.
If you aren’t willing to take the time to show someone who God is and what makes his story of redemption the best news ever, then you have no business addressing their lifestyle….our primary role is to point each other to the beauty and goodness of Christ.” – Nikki Quaranta
#1. 10 Qualities of Influential Christians
So we’ve established that Christians should see themselves as leaders, but how do we navigate our social circles to influence others for Christ? This article explores 10 qualities influential Christians have in common and offers encouragement for those of us who may be hesitant to begin our leadership journeys.
When it comes to depth of influence, even though all Christians are re-created as leaders, there is a significant difference between passive leaders and active leaders: active leaders are missional leaders who are committed to increasing their capacity for Christ-centered influence! As a result, the depth of their influence naturally increases.
You were re-created to be a leader in your circles of influence. No matter how deep your level of influence currently is, leadership is never a point of arrival but rather a life-long journey.”
Looking Ahead
From this list of top posts in 2017, it’s clear that you, our readers, didn’t shy away from complicated or controversial topics. You challenged yourselves to become more dedicated followers of Christ and stronger leaders. We pray this spirit of boldness will go with you into the new year. May God’s grace be with you as you grow in Christ and as you continue to embrace your leadership calling in 2018!
Wanting more? Here are a few resources you might be interested in:
- Get Artios Christian College’s free download of Discovering Your Leadership Strengths
- Enroll in Artios Christian College’s introductory course: Essentials of Vibrant Leadership