Hacksaw Ridge is the extraordinary true story of WWII medic Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield). In Okinawa during the bloodiest battle of WWII, he miraculously saved 75 men in a matter of hours without firing or carrying a gun.
Doss was the only American soldier in that war to fight on the front lines without a weapon, except for the simple prayer he uttered before single-handedly evacuating the wounded from behind enemy lines while under constant enemy gunfire. His courage and faith won the admiration of his commanders and fellow soldiers, as he saved the lives of the very men who had persecuted him for refusing to carry a gun. Doss believed the war was just but that to kill under any circumstance was wrong. He was labeled the first conscientious objector (he called himself a “conscientious cooperator” as he volunteered) to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Hacksaw Ridge is directed by Mel Gibson (Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ). View the teaser at www.hacksawridgeresources.com.