Are you looking for a ministry to partner with?
Do you desire a deeper insight into who God is?
Is your prayer life not what you think it ought to be?
Find Your Calling
Consider enrolling in one of Artios Christian College’s programs! Artios has a program for every Christ-follower – the full-time pastor, the bi-vocational pastor, the local pastor, the worship leader, the prayer ministry leader, the youth leader, and everyone who makes up a part of the body of Christ.
[bctt tweet=”Artios has a program for every Christ-follower. – Lisa Harp”]
We are here to assist you in becoming the Christian leader God wants you to be. You were created to lead. Artios partners with you to increase your influence for Christ in your home, church, community, and work. Find your calling and engage it!
Grow your leadership skills online, anywhere, and at any time. Each online course lasts just 5 weeks. Because our courses are tablet friendly, they are perfect for on-the-go lifestyles. Simply log in during the times that work best for your schedule.
[bctt tweet=”Grow your leadership skills online, anywhere, and at any time. -Artios Christian College”]
Increase your Christian influence in your home, church, workplace, and community. as you navigate the foundations of biblical theology, restoration, and missional engagement with an online learning community of peers and instructors who share these goals.
Financially Responsible
Earn a degree in Christian leadership without going into debt.
Artios courses cost less than 20% of similar courses at Christian colleges and universities whose tuition reflects the financial burden of accreditation.
Time on your Hands?
At this time of national shutdown, you may be finding yourself more busy than normal, but you may be experiencing the opposite, and you have a bit more time on your hands. If so, consider taking another Artios class toward your degree. Or to fulfill continuing education credits. Or simply to find some new ways to enhance your vibrant leadership!
Following Jesus makes you a leader. Be a vibrant one.
It’s more than a catchy tagline or a noble goal. We’ve designed each course in our curriculum specifically to equip you as a leader. In the Greek language, the word “artios” as it is used in Eph. 4:12 embodies three concepts. These are the concepts which serve as the pillars of our curriculum. Find your calling:
Biblical Theology
Christian leaders must have a clear understanding of what Scripture means and how to live it in daily life. Therefore, the Bible is the foundation for all of Artios’ curriculum. In addition to exploring the entire scope of Scripture, learning its story, characters, themes, and lessons, Artios students acquire the skills necessary to read, understand, interpret, and apply Scripture to your leadership context.
Restorative Leadership
A fundamental task of Christian leadership is to restore the broken-hearted and make the church a healing community for those who are suffering. We develop leaders through courses designed to clarify your calling, strengthen your emotional health, instill spiritual disciplines, and teach you to lead like Jesus.
Missional Engagement
The highest call of Christian leadership is the Great Commission: communicating the gospel and making disciples for Jesus Christ. Whatever specific leadership tasks we perform, it must always be in service to these two greater goals. Missional leadership requires an understanding of the context of our mission—the world around us. Artios equips you to build bridges for sharing the gospel and leading others—Christian and non-Christian—to embracing a worldview that is centered on Christ and Scripture.
Engage Your Calling
Take as many individual courses as you’d like or focus your leadership development by enrolling in a program.
Artios offers the following programs to meet your needs:
Certificate of Leadership Studies
Want to have a more effective Christian influence in your home, church, workplace, or community? Mix and match 7 courses to greater develop your understanding and practice of Christian leadership.
Associate of Christian Leadership
Pursuing long-term or vocational service in Christian leadership? This unique emphasis on biblical theology, restoration, and missional engagement will sharpen your focus on God’s heart for 21st-century families, churches, communities, and workplaces…and shape how you live it out.
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership
Already have an associate or bachelor’s degree? Our emphasis on biblical theology, restoration, and missional engagement will enable you to apply principles of Christian leadership to your home, church, community, or workplace…or to shift your focus to a position of vocational Christian leadership.
If your church is interested in sponsoring a student for a class, contact Makayla Ross, Registrar at, and ask her how she can help set up a coupon code for ease of registration.