Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With our churches closed and COVID-19 confining us to our homes for the foreseeable future, the Bible Advocate Press is offering a complimentary download of the second quarter adult quarterly in English and Spanish. This quarterly, Prince of Peace, is Part 2 of a four-part series on the ministry of reconciliation.
We pray that this resource will bless and edify you and your family during this time of isolation from your church family. May you be comforted and encouraged as you study God’s Word.
Download links
English PDF: Spanish PDF:
Also, below is a complimentary download of this quarter’s Children’s Intermediate Student Handout. This is a great resource that you can read to, and study with, any children in your home. We regret that it is not available in Spanish yet.
For more BAP curriculum and home study options, visit
Please join us in praying for all people everywhere, especially the household of faith, during this difficult time.
Grace and peace be multiplied to you!
Jason Overman