My mind goes blank when someone asks if I have a favorite verse, even when the question is more specific, as in “Write a five-hundred word thought on a favorite verse from Revelation or about Christ’s coming.”
But within twenty-four hours or less of the request, lo and behold, what should pop up on my Pinterest screen: a photo of a lion with his paw outstretched and a beautiful verse. A favorite verse — one that reminds me of how much the Lord loves me: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
In this portion of Scripture, Christ is inviting “. . . the Laodicean Christians to dine . . . in the present at the messianic banquet . . . ; it is an invitation to a genuinely lavish banquet. . . .”1 This invitation portrays not only the friendship but also the shared intimacy between the host and the guests.
And yet the guests are more than simply guests; they are also the bride. Revelation 3:20 seems to be connected to 19:9a:
Then he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb’” (NASB).
According to R. S. Rayburn, this reference to the marriage supper of the Lamb clearly shows Christ’s love — His tenderness — for His people.2 It also calls for us to prepare ourselves as an engaged woman prepares for her wedding — and even more so! We must be ready for His return. We must live as obedient and faithful servants.3
But must we do this on our own? In our own strength? No! Christ provides for our every need. We don’t have to seek wealth or fame. We don’t have to work ourselves into the ground to make ends meet. He loves us. He wants to take care of us. He desires intimacy with us. Wow!
Do I forget this occasionally? Yes — far too often. I let the cares of this world close in on me and swallow me up. Worry takes hold too fast. But I shouldn’t let it! The Ruler of the universe — the Creator, the Almighty — loves me and cares for me. I just need to “be zealous and repent” (3:19) and trust and obey. (That’s a favorite old hymn of mine, too.)
Can I trust Him to take care of me? To provide for me? Absolutely! Do I trust Him enough? No, but I’m trying. I’m learning. He’s brought me through a difficult couple of years. He’s reproved and disciplined me (v. 19). But He hasn’t let me down yet. He has given me the strength to carry on. He is faithful and just. He is love.
Trust God. He has control of everything. Let’s prepare for the wedding banquet!BA
- Craig S. Keener, The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, 775.
- R. S. Rayburn, “Marriage of the Lamb,” Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Second Edition, 745.
- Ibid.