by Andrea Slawson
How would you feel going into your favorite competitive sport against a formative opponent, knowing without a doubt you would win? Would you go in confident, maybe even a little bold or cocky? I’m pretty sure that’s how I’d face it, yet in the battles life throws at us, we tend to give up or fold under the pressure. What if Jesus had given up, folded under a pressure none of us can imagine? He had every right to.
What if we went into every battle in this life claiming we’ve already won? Even when it’s over and it doesn’t seem to us that we’ve won, we’re looking through eyes of flesh instead of through eyes of the redeemed.
This is the mistake Peter made. He rushed through the garden into the battle, but Jesus stopped him. Jesus knew that the battle was already won. Peter didn’t need to fight it, because in a few short hours Jesus would seal the victory for all humanity!
This is a lesson for us. Do we face our battles as dry bones lying defeated in the valley? Or do we face them standing in the winner’s circle with our Deliverer, as did Ezekiel? Are we like Elisha’s armor bearer, whose eyes were open to the army of the Lord that had come to fight the battle? That army knew they were going to win! We must trust in Jesus’ sacrifice to win our battles.
Do you need to see the victory in the battle you are facing today? It’s there, at the foot of the cross where Jesus died to save us, and at the door of the empty tomb where Jesus was resurrected to give us a new hope and life. Claim that victory, walking confidently in the knowledge that the war has been won.
At the Last Supper, Jesus invited us to join Him, to journey to the cross with Him, die to sin, and walk with Him in eternal life that begins here.
This year at Lord’s Supper we recall that Jesus walked victoriously out of the sealed tomb and, before His ascension, told His disciples not to be sad but to go and tell the whole world the good news. Our battles have been won. As we wait a little longer, we must strive in obedience to bring the lost to the feet of Jesus to receive salvation, because it is not God’s will that any should perish.
The Lord’s Supper is the beginning of God’s process of setting right all that humankind has done wrong. It is where redemption and grace are born. This year let us join not only in the sacrifice but also in the victory. Jesus didn’t give up; neither should we.
Andrea Slawson blogs for the Bridge Co-Mission and lives in Owosso, MI.