What does progressive revelation mean?

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat does progressive revelation mean? Does it affect our belief that Old and New Testaments together are God’s rule…

Did Jesus always exist with God the Father?

Reading Time: 2 minutesOur statements of faith say that Jesus always existed with God the Father. Can you share scriptures for this…

Is it enough to confess our sins to God privately, or is the church needed for confession?

Reading Time: 3 minutesIs it enough to confess our sins to God privately, or is the church needed for confession?   We’ve…

Shouldn’t we be God-centered instead of Christ-centered?

Reading Time: 3 minutesChrist Centered is first in CoG7’s Vision of a Vibrant 21st Century Church. Does this rob God of His glory? Shouldn’t…

Is the law still relevant to believers in Jesus?

Reading Time: 3 minutesRomans 6:15 says Christians are not under law but under grace. Galatians 3:23-25 says after faith has come, we…

What is a Bible-based church?

Reading Time: 2 minutesDriving through Dallas recently, I saw a First Baptist Church billboard saying that they are Bible based. How does…

Is Church of God (Seventh Day) part of the Protestant Reformation?

Reading Time: 2 minutesDoes Church of God (Seventh Day) consider itself part of the Protestant Reformation? If so, in what ways?    Rather…

What does the Church of God teach about hell?

Reading Time: 2 minutesJesus taught us that, to be like our Father in heaven, we should love our enemies, bless them that…

Is going to church necessary?

Reading Time: 3 minutesI don’t go to church anymore. I’ve been hurt too many times. Is church necessary?   Yes, it is…

Do I have to speak in tongues to be saved?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy friend visited a church recently and was told that she wasn’t saved if she didn’t speak in tongues….