The Whore and the Bride

Reading Time: 4 minutesOurs is a time of fascination with sexuality and its myriad deviations. The “sexual revolution,” traced to the 1960s…

“Radical” Medley

Reading Time: 6 minutesAs used here, radical is the opposite of nominal, so-called, in name only, lukewarm, and ordinary. Each of these…

Life is Good Today

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn college, my first year English professor, Mrs. Wagner, began each class period with an inspiring saying on the…

Committed to Commission

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat in the world is the church for, or the church in the world for? Is it mostly for gathering…

Letting Go

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs young parents, we dedicated our children to the Lord, not knowing where life would take us and how…

We Walk the Line

Reading Time: 4 minutesNot to be cute or trendy, this question is posed to help us better grasp the privileges and responsibilities…

Here Am I; Send Me

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen I was 26 years old, I heard God’s call deep inside me to go and preach the gospel….

Avoiding Holy Huddles

Reading Time: 3 minutesI was thrilled and nervous. At the Washington State Super Sabbath — the first for a long time —…

Necessary Transgressions

Reading Time: 6 minutesA shudder ran through the church the day the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. Even for…

Closing a Chapter

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe magazine you hold (or read online) completes my eighteenth year as its editor. My first issue was the…