“The Bible and the Blood”

Reading Time: < 1 minuteby Calvin Burrell When Scripture speaks of Jesus’ blood, it means His atoning death for the…

“The Lord’s Supper: The Third Cup”

Reading Time: 3 minutesby Amber Riggs “Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!” “Lice! Lice! Lice!” “Flies! Flies! Flies!” As…

“United in the Lord’s Supper”

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Max Morrow Celebration of Lord’s Supper has always seemed to me to be a family event. The…

“Nourishment for the Journey”

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Tim Youngs When I’m on a road trip with my family, it’s important to me as…

“Foot Washing: Empty Ritual or Full Symbol?”

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Israel Steinmetz From an outsider’s view, Christianity is full of strange rituals. Even in non-liturgical churches like…

Baptism Through the Bible

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe word baptism and its variants appear almost one hundred times in the New Testament, but never in the…

“Decisive Win”

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Andrea Slawson How would you feel going into your favorite competitive sport against a formative…

“I Thirst!”

Reading Time: 3 minutesby Jason Overman He had plenty of water to make wine for a wedding, to…

“Through His Eyes”

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Dorothy Nimchuk Jesus had been the central figure in the kangaroo court charade. Now, nailed to the…

“Take This Cup”

Reading Time: 2 minutesby David Kidd Have you ever wondered why Jesus prayed, “Father, if it is…