Like the Master

Reading Time: 6 minutesA mother teaches her toddler to share her toys with her brother, who is one year younger. A father…

What does Paul mean by “mutual submission” in Ephesians 5:21?

Reading Time: 3 minutesHow does Paul’s teaching on mutual submission in Ephesians 5:21 relate to his instructions on submission within specific authority…

boat on the ocean

First Word – Immanuel

Reading Time: 2 minutes“And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen

I Am With You Always

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAs I think about my life Walking through each day, I remember what Jesus said: “I am with you always.”   When I have…

Don’t Just Stand There!

Reading Time: 3 minutesHe was not just a good man who happened to do miracles. Jesus broke with all conventions, doing the unexpected,…

Signs of the Kingdom

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe Bible Advocate has evolved over more than one hundred fifty years with several changes in name, ranging from…

God and My Money

Reading Time: 5 minutes“How irresponsible you are!” My mother-in-law’s face flushed red below her graying curls. “You’re expecting the rest of the…

A Beautiful Witness

Reading Time: 6 minutesCosmos and cosmetic — two words that don’t seem to have much in common but share a common Greek…

Moving Beyond Information

Reading Time: 3 minutesChalkboards, classrooms, and open books dominate web search results for teaching-related imagery. When we include the word Christian, then…

The Gospel’s Proper Order

Reading Time: 4 minutes“I’d like to be baptized someday, but I don’t think I’m ready yet. I need more time.” I’ve heard statements along…