The Great Exchange

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe War of 1812 between Great Britain and the United States ended when the nations made peace in Ghent,…

Panic or Pray?

Reading Time: 3 minutesby Micah Keim   “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be…

The Greatest Love

Reading Time: 2 minutesby Elise Keim   Friends are one of the most significant things in life. As C. S. Lewis said, “Friendship is…


Reading Time: < 1 minuteReflection To bless and encourage, to comfort, uplift, That is the prayer of my heart; To…

What is preterist eschatology? 

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat is preterist eschatology, and what is CoG7’s view?  Eschatology is the study of end things in Christian…

The Winners!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe Winners! We are excited to announce the winners of the LeRoy Dais Young Writers Challenge. 

Whither Shall I Go From Your Spirit?* – Second Place

Reading Time: 2 minutesToward the end of my seventh grade year, I developed depression. I wasn’t sleeping, I wasn’t eating, and I…

Perfection – Third Place (tie)

Reading Time: 2 minutesI find myself struggling with the concept of perfection on a daily basis. I feel the need to be…

Beyond Summer Camps – Third Place (tie)

Reading Time: 2 minutesSince I’ve been a teenager growing up in the Church, summer youth camps have always been the “spiritual high”…

The Fear Fight – Honorable Mention

Reading Time: 2 minutesFear took control over my life at a young age. I was never that child who played and hugged…