A Tale of Two Prophets

Reading Time: 4 minutesTwo prophets – Jonah and Nahum. Both messengers of God prophesied against the great Assyrian capital of Nineveh, the…

On Mission . . . in Chile

Reading Time: 4 minutesChile is a Spanish-speaking country in South America. It is 4,329 km (2,690 miles) from north to south, which…

Focus on the Faithful: Peter

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe continue our Focus on the Faithful series with one of the New Testament’s most beloved figures, Simon Peter….

Godliness in Action

Reading Time: 4 minutesAs our church leaders sat discussing whether we should appoint more elders, we were left with the question “What…

Defining Moment

Reading Time: 3 minutesPen in hand and a fresh scroll in front of him, Luke assayed to address his longtime acquaintance, Theophilus,…


Reading Time: 5 minutesBefore His crucifixion and death, Jesus prayed to His Father for His people: “Now I am no longer in the…


Reading Time: < 1 minuteDear Brothers and Sisters, With our new digital press, the Bible Advocate Press is excited to provide on-demand printing. We…

Divine Interruption

Reading Time: 2 minutesPreach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage — with great patience…

Rise Up and Rebuild

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn the Bible, there’s a whole lot of building going on. Noah built an ark for animals and humans to…

Three Keys to Enduring Suffering

Reading Time: 5 minutesAccording to Open Doors, more than fifty countries are listed as hostile to Christianity. This means that if one…