2018 BA Themes
Annual theme: “This We Believe — Canon and Creed”
We’re a Christ-centered, Spirit-formed, and Bible-based church, but what does that look like specifically? What substantive implications follow for faith and practice? In 2018, all six issues of the Bible Advocate will be dedicated to examining details of doctrine and lifestyle and why these matter for a vibrant 21st century church. As believers committed to the canon of Scripture and to the work of the Spirit in guiding us into truth and sanctification, we desire to equip each member to know what we believe and live that creed in times of tremendous cultural confusion.
Our theme, “This We Believe — Canon and Creed,” is a year-long investigation of our statement of faith as elaborated in This We Believe: Teachings of the Church of God (Seventh Day). I invite my fellow pastors and ministry colleagues to join me in this special effort with the same confidence and humility that our open creed testifies to. It’s our hope that these BA issues encourage a robust formation of belief and behavior in all of us. Each will focus on two of the twelve statements of faith. The topics listed below are thematic suggestions; your writing options are wide open.
Thanks for considering writing with us for the sake of the grace and truth of Christ.
Jason Overman, Editor
November-December: Kingdom Come
Prophecy and End Times
Topics: Advent theme in New Testament; “Day of the Lord” motif in Old Testament; Antichrist; how Revelation speaks today; kingdom now and then. Deadline: August 17, 2018
2019 BA Themes
Greetings, Bible Advocate readers and writers. I’m happy to announce our 2019 themes.
Annual theme: “Resurrection Commission”
Jesus gave His church a Great Commission. “Go make disciples of all the nations” looms as the pinnacle of our calling as co-workers with God. His mission to rescue and restore creation to His good purposes is our mission too. So central is this vocational vision to the life of the church that the Bible Advocate is devoting 2019 to the subject. Our “Resurrection Commission” theme recalls that Jesus’ directive originated in His defeat of death and His authority over all. His commission isn’t accomplished by mere humans, but through the confident faith of a people caught up in the resurrection life flowing from Father to Son to us, by the Holy Spirit.
The call to this monumental task is exciting and humbling, and we want to be found faithful to and effective in it. Therefore, the six issues of 2019 will explore the details of Christ’s “Resurrection Commission.” We invite you to join this effort. The BA editorial team is looking for content rich in biblical insight, personal testimony, and practical mission experiences that will inspire and equip the church to “go,” to the glory of God and His kingdom. Take a look at the themes, submission deadlines, and descriptions of each issue and consider contributing to the mission.
— Jason Overman, Editor
January-February: To the Mount – Matthew 28:16 — Leaving and Coming to the Risen Lord
Topics: Personal, biblical mountaintop stories; hearing God; journeys of faith; the call; resurrection past-future. Spotlight on Exodus.
Deadline: October 15, 2018
March-April: See and Worship – Matthew 28:17 — Our Foundational Response to Christ
Topics: Personal, biblical stories on worship; looking to Jesus as Savior; essentials of worship in Spirit and truth. Spotlight on Job.
Deadline: December 14, 2018
May-June: All Authority – Matthew 28:18 — Focusing on Jesus’ Resurrection Power
Topics: Personal, biblical stories on God’s sovereignty and the lordship of Christ; kingdom leadership and authority. Spotlight on Psalms.
Deadline: February 15, 2019
July-August: Go and Make – Matthew 28:19 — Commissioned to Evangelism and Baptism
Topics: Personal, biblical stories of transformed lives; missional styles and success stories; sent to the nations; challenges. Spotlight on Isaiah.
Deadline: April 15, 2019
September-October: Teach and Obey – Matthew 28:20a — Disciples Learning to Do Jesus’ Will
Topics: Personal, biblical stories on discipleship; teaching, obeying in community; corporate, personal discipline(s). Spotlight on Matthew.
Deadline: June 14, 2019
November-December: I Am With You – Matthew 28:20b — Not Alone as Immanuel Goes With Us
Topics: Personal, biblical stories on patience, presence, and hope; future things; kingdom come and coming. Spotlight on Revelation.
Deadline: August 16, 2019
Thanks for considering writing with us for the sake of the grace and truth of Christ. The BA appreciates your prayers, support, and contributions. Please feel free to contact Sherri Langton with questions or ideas at bibleadvocate@cog7.org. You may read or download our writer’s guideline here.