The Power of #ServantLeadership

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In our click-bait world of tips, tricks, and top-ten lists, #servantleadership is one aspect of leadership that often gets shuffled to the sidelines. Intricate topics—like creating brand ambassadors, promoting individual growth, embracing work/life blend, fostering corporate culture, cultivating employee development, and SMART goal setting—tend to dominate the leadership conversation.[ref] New Trends in Leadership,

14 Leadership Trends That Will Shape Organizations In 2018,

Leadership Trends To Watch For From Now To 2022[/ref]

While these topics are indeed valuable, they also tend to pull leaders-in-training away from more fundamental concepts.

Back to Basics

Just like all Jesus followers have been recreated to lead, servant leadership is the foundation on which all other leadership traits are built. In her article Ten Qualities of Influential Christians, Amber Riggs states that:

First and foremost, [influential Christians] engage in a journey to understand and know Christ and His heart. As part of this journey, they allow their hearts to be reshaped and intentionally anchor their character in His. In the process, they become living, breathing reflections of Christ.”

Again and again, the Gospels show us that Christ’s example was one of servant leadership. Even though His followers expected a mighty leader who would overthrow their Roman oppressors and establish a great earthly kingdom—Jesus consistently surprised them with His focus on servant leadership. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, started conversations with outcasts, and ate with sinners. He sought out opportunities to teach the people and train His disciples, while avoiding public fame and attention (John 6:14-15, Matt. 16: 15-20).

On the night before His arrest, Christ astonished His disciples once again by stooping to wash their feet, a task that was usually reserved for the lowliest servant. Our Savior’s act of service deftly cut through the disciples’ pride and ambition, and left them (and us) with the ultimate example of leadership.


By anchoring our character in Christ’s, other leadership skills will come more naturally. Trending topics like open communication, empathy, leading by example, employee development, and even goal setting, will become natural extensions of a servant leader’s heart. Here are a few #servantleadership posts to remind us that this kind of humble leadership enables us to:

Inspire by Example

Posted by Proactive Coaching on Friday, September 7, 2018

Care for your Followers on a Personal Level

Build Relationships

Empower Your Followers to Embrace Their Own Leadership Potential

A great leader is seen as a servant first. - Robert K. Greenleaf Share on X

Are you embracing your status as a servant leader? Here are a few resources for you:

Artios Magazine

Artios Magazine (pronouced AR-tee-oss) is a publication of Artios Christian College (, an online-based college that exists to serve Christ and His Body by equipping leaders for a “vibrant 21st century Church“. Believing that all Christians have a natural realm of influence, our mission is to partner with you in your natural realm of influence by connecting you with resources that equip you to more effectively invite people to experience the Kingdom of God.