3 Questions Every Leader Should Be Asking

Artios Virtual Summer Session: Helping You Answer some of the Most Pressing Questions of Leadership and Ministry

It’s been observed that Christian leadership involves a lot of “telling.” Preaching, teaching, strategizing, even disciple making, are largely about articulating facts and ideas, conveying principles, and so on.

But “asking,” not just “telling,” is an important characteristic of effective leadership. In his book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, John Maxwell underscores the importance of asking questions and how this can become the catalyst for new ideas, innovation, and personal growth.

[bctt tweet=”“Asking,” not just “telling,” is an important characteristic of effective leadership. – Whaid Rose” via=”no”]

3 Questions

On that basis, Auxano Ministries recently posed the following three questions every church leader should be asking as the fall 2021 season of ministry approaches:

    • Have you planned an event in the next six months that will help your leaders see God’s vision for your church?
    • Do you have a process on paper that shows how your church will develop a new generation of volunteer leaders who will make disciples who make disciples?
    • Do you have courageous clarity about what ministries to restart, start, or even stop as church life returns to a new normal?

Challenging Circumstances

Indeed, these are questions every church leader should be asking. The challenging circumstances of the past fifteen months make them more pressing now than ever before.

And these are precisely the kind of questions which motivate the planning of Artios Christian College’s upcoming Summer Session, strategically scheduled to take place just before you turn the corner into the fall 2021 season.

So mark your calendar: August 26-29. Please join me and a carefully selected team of presenters as we ask and answer critical questions about leadership and ministry in a post-COVID world. The details are below. Please read it and register right away.

Virtual Summer Session flyer
Virtual Summer Session flyer

REGISTER HERE: https://my.artioscollege.org/en/resources

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Written By

Whaid Rose, former president of the General Conference, is dean of the Artios Center for Vibrant Leadership and pastors the Newton, NC CoG7. He and his wife, Marjolene, live in Denver, NC.

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