What are your views on having godparents for babies as they are blessed?
While there is no record of godparents in the Bible, it is believed that the Old Testament rite of circumcision, signifying entry of a Jewish male into Hebrew faith, included someone who stood with the parents during this ceremony. If so, this may be where the seeds for the use of godparents were first sown. All Jewish parents hoped that their children would come to affirm faith in God at an older age, celebrated for sons at bar mitzvah.
The intent for the individuals standing with parents at circumcision was that they would help to assure that the child was guided to full faith even if the parents should die before the child came of age. This explains the meaning of the term godparents: godly people who help parents lead their children God-ward.
This custom continued into the New Testament church, most prominently, perhaps, by those who took up baptism of infants. Once again, godparents would stand with the parents during this ritual, pledging to help guide the child to the confirmation of his faith at a later age.
The practice of using godparents continues today among Christians. Many may use it merely as tradition, not understanding its history and meaning. Non-Christians who use godparents usually do so to secure a guardian for their child in the event they die before the child becomes an adult.
The Church of God (Seventh Day) has no official position on the use of godparents. Since there is neither prohibition nor command in Scripture regarding this practice, we are free to pray and do as the Lord leads.
– Elder Whaid Rose
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