Artios Christian College‘s vision of a “vibrant 21st century Church” is one whose members are:
- Christ-centered. Christ has first place in everything and is Lord of the Church. Being Christ-Centered means orienting our entire life around the preeminence of Christ and doing everything in, through and for Him.
- Bible-based. The Bible is our authoritative source for Christian faith and practice. From its teachings we learn to live and minister for Christ.
- Spirit-formed. The Holy Spirit is God’s personal presence within us, giving us new birth and the power to live holy lives, serve another and bear witness to Christ.
- Passionate in worship. God created us for worship and calls us to worship Him with every part of our being in every act of life. This includes a commitment to musical worship that is rich in theology and genuine in expression.
- Proactive in witness. As Christ’s ambassadors to the world we have a commission to share the good news with those who do not know Jesus. People need to know God and the Church has the privilege and responsibility to introduce them.
- Compassionate in service. To be compassionate means to suffer alongside someone. Loving service is about joining people in their pain to bring hope, help and healing.
- Strong in fellowship. As members of Christ, the Church become members of one another. Christian fellowship is a bond that is stronger than family, race or nation of origin and it calls Christians to a shared life for Christ.
- Committed to discipleship. To be a Christian is to be a disciple of Christ. Discipleship is the intentional process of engaging our walk with Christ and being transformed to become like Him.
- Sabbath-observing. The Sabbath was a created gift for humanity. To remember the seventh day is to receive this gracious gift from God and to enjoy physical and spiritual rest in Christ.
- Distinct, not exclusive. As Christians, core beliefs in Christ and the salvation He offers, unite us as one in Him. Distinctive beliefs on non-essential matters allow Christians to serve God according to personal conviction. However, rather than excluding them from one another, these convictions are an invitation to complement and learn from each other. As a ministry of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day), LifeSpring School of Ministry affirms their Statement of Faith.