Should I Tithe When My Spouse Doesn’t Approve?

I am baptized and attend church. My husband does not believe nor attend nor approve of tithing. He is the only income provider in our household and gives me money for household expenses. Am I required to tithe from that?

Life presents us with some instances in which our attitudes are more important than our actions. This sit­uation may be one of these.

To arrive at a solution, one might ask these ques­tions regarding the money provided to manage the household: Are discretionary funds included in these resources, or only enough for essentials? Is the wife for­bidden to give, or is giving only frowned upon? Would giving to the church require the wife to deceive any­one?

More important is for a woman to regularly ask God to love her husband through her and to draw him to Christ through her example so that both husband and wife can then be united in their commitment to give.

The view of giving set forth in the New Testament stresses the giver’s attitude more than any “require­ments” or legal demands. The desire to be faithful in giving may be as important as the amount one is actu­ally able to give under present circumstances (2 Cor. 8:12). Some way, someday, God can work it out for peo­ple to be as generous as they would like to be.

Until then, it may be more productive for those in such circumstances to work on the relationships involved, especially any aspects of them that may keep others from faith. A believer must give as he or she can and love everyone. This will be more productive than worrying about whether one meets the divine require­ment of tithe.

— Elder Calvin Burrell

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Psalm for Troubled Times

Written By

Calvin Burrell is former editor of the Bible Advocate and former director of G. C. Missions. He retired in 2015 and lives with his wife, Barb, in Stayton, OR. They attend church in Marion, OR.

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