Share Your Story

Do you have a story to tell?
Send it to us!


Now What? has been online since late 1996 ( and is published by the Bible Advocate Press, the publishing agency of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day).


Now What? is posted monthly.

Editorial Focus

Now What? addresses the “felt needs” of the unchurched (grief, depression, sickness, etc.). Each issue is built around a personal experience, with articles occasionally related to the topic. Personal experiences show a struggle that either led a person to faith in Christ or deepened their walk with God if they’re already a Christian. No opinion pieces or poetry.


Stories and articles must be consistent with the doctrinal statement of the Church of God (Seventh Day) as outlined at (About Us). Avoid unnecessary jargon or technical terms. No Christmas or Easter pieces.


Publication of any submission is at the sole discretion of the editors. They reserve the right to edit an accepted manuscript for space requirements, doctrinal teaching, Church terminology, style (using the Chicago Manual of Style), and/or general clarity. Significant changes are referred to the writer for approval.

Word Length

Feature articles, personal experiences: 1,000-1,500 words


On publication, Bible Advocate Press pays an honorarium of $25 – $65, depending on the length of the edited version.


Reference all Scripture quotations, and enclose them in parentheses. The BAP uses primarily the New King James Version for Scripture quotations but also accepts other translations. Specify the main translation used, and note where other translations are quoted.

Contact and Submission

We prefer e-mailed submissions sent to Sherri Langton, associate editor ( Hard copy manuscripts may be sent to Sherri’s attention at Bible Advocate, P.O. Box 33677, Denver, CO 80233. Postal submissions will not be returned without a self-addressed stamped envelope. No faxed or handwritten submissions, please.