Like A Tree

Like a Tree


“They will be like a tree planted by the water . . . its leaves are always green” (Jeremiah 17:8, NIV)


Like a tree by a stream, let me be,

my roots deep in moist soil,

so when drought comes,

heavens don’t give rain,

I stand green and flourishing.


May I be a sturdy oak,

my roots deep in God,

so when winds blow,

storms unleash,

I stand erect in any gale,

firm upon the Rock.


May my faith go deep into His Word,

until I stand strong, rooted,

steadfast in His promises,

able to weather any storm — 

like a tree by a stream.


– Jewell Johnson



How Do You Understand John 1:1? “I’m Going to Kill Myself”

Written By

Jewell Johnson has published numerous articles and poems, as well as three devotional books for women. She and her husband, LeRoy, have six children and nine grandchildren, and live in Fountain Hills, AZ.

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