Dear BA Reader and Friend,
As I sit to write this fall support letter, I am reflecting over my first two years in the editor’s chair. What a rewarding journey! My mind struggles to wrap itself around all that our small BA team has accomplished. It’s not that my two years have been special out of the BA’s 154, but that I now have a much greater appreciation for the incredible things the magazine has been doing for decades now. Over 144,000 copies of the BA have been developed and distributed to 82 nations since I joined the team in the summer of 2015. It boggles the mind.
For almost 50 years now, this ministry of the Word of God has been a free publication. We are eager to continue to build on this gracious legacy, but, of course, nothing is really free. The cost to produce a magazine of this quality only gets more expensive with time. This is where you, our faithful friends, come in. I’m so grateful for all God’s leading and blessings these last two years, and I’m so grateful for the prayers and generosity of our partners in ministry. Our team thanks you once more for making this work possible. God bless you all.



Associate Editor

Curriculum Editor


Spanish Orders

English Orders



Proof Reading