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How to Simplify Your Worship While Not Losing Focus on the Greatness of God
What Everybody Ought to Know About God’s Vision for Worship
You remind yourself that Jesus died on the cross for you and deserves your complete attention.
But He knows that you struggle with this…and He loves you anyway.
Because we were created to worship, it is easy for our worship to become displaced…but this also means that it is in our design for our worship to be redirected to the One who put the need to worship in our DNA.
And fortunately, God has filled His Word with inspiration on how to reinvigorate our worship with a focus on Who He Is.
GETTING A HANDLE ON WORSHIP is a guide to exploring the meaning of worship and responding in simplicity.
Each chapter is focused on one simple truth about worship and includes a handful of questions to help you reflect on and apply what you have just read. If you read and apply just one chapter each week, in less than 5 months from now you will be fixated on our Savior in a way that makes worship seem sweeter than ever.
Can you imagine the brightness of the throne-room of Heaven? The sounds of angelic praise? How the Lord receives our worship like sweet-smelling incense?
GETTING A HANDLE ON WORSHIP is a collection of focused reflections by two men – Whaid Rose, President of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) from 1997-2015, and Israel Steinmetz, Dean of Academic Affairs for LifeSpring School of Ministry – who spent the two years leading up to the writing of this book touring the United States and Canada, teaching on the topic of worship and joining brothers and sisters in the act itself. They have inspired thousands of men and women from various cultural backgrounds, and they themselves are committed not to rest until everything inside of them worships God.
GETTING A HANDLE ON WORSHIP is a book that will take you on a journey through Scripture’s worship thread. Along the way, you’ll discover…
- 10+ ways in which worship is expressed in the worship thread
- how worship gives meaning to the other purposes of the church
- a pattern of revelation, recognition and response that will transform your times of worship
- 5 features that characterize worship in each of the major eras of Christian history
- examples of how culture influenced Christian music before the 20th century
- the significance of diversity in the Body of Christ on worship
- the relationship between ministry, worship, and the Holy Spirit
- 5 common issues that tend to distract us from whole-hearted worship
- 6 components of the pattern of worship observed in the tabernacle
- how pagan worship differs from the worship of Yahweh
- why worship planning should be the most important event on your church calendar each week.
- the 4 “acts” of a worship service that easily allow congregations to participate in reenacting the drama of redemption, regardless of the size of your gathering.
- why one of the greatest threats to dynamic worship is the failure to make evaluation a normal part of the worship culture of the congregation.
- the 3 simple steps for conducting brief evaluations that will encourage leaders, balance negative criticism, and stir creativity and motivation.
- how each of the different components of your local worship gatherings (announcements, prayer, offering, preaching, etc.) might be carried out in such a way as to follow the example of the heavenly throne room
- …and much more
“One of the themes that keeps hitting me every in every chapter is that worship is always initiated by a distinct awareness of the attributes of God. Our worship and praise should then be a response to those attributes. As both a worship leader and a parent, it has hit me how much I tend to get things out of order not only in my own worship but when I lead others in worship. There are seasons where I lead my daughters in proclaiming “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” several times before we pray, and those prayer times are always more significant. Now I’m eager to reflect on and respond to His other attributes as well.”
Amber Riggs, Dean of Administration and Student Affairs, LifeSpring School of Ministry
- 20 chapters of focused teachings on worship that are ideal for personal devotions, family worship, small group Bible studies, or Christian Education classes
- A guide to designing dynamic worship services
- A Study Guide built into each chapter that is designed to take the material off the page and impact your real-life worship
- Plus: a thoughtful addendum on worship etiquette
- Created to Worship
- The Priority of Worship
- Scripture’s Worship Thread
- Worship in Unlikely Places
- Parsing Worship Words
- The Theology of Worship
- The History of Christian Worship
- True Worship According to Jesus
- Music in Worship
- Finding Balance, Part 1
- Finding Balance, Part 2
- Worship’s Guiding Principles
- A Lifestyle of Singing
- Meaning What You Sing
- The Pattern of Worship
- Designing Dynamic Worship Services
- Longing for the Presence of the Lord
- Worship: A Matter of the Heart
- The God We Worship
- The Worship of Heaven
Addendum: A Little Bit of Worship Etiquette[/text_block]
Whaid Rose
Whaid Rose served as President of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) from 1997 to 2015. In this role he provided high-level leadership and vision-casting for the denomination. Previously, Whaid served the church in various administrative capacities and pastored congregations in New York, North Carolina and Colorado.
Israel Steinmetz
Israel currently serves as Dean of Academic Affairs for LifeSpring School of Ministry. He previously pastored the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Kansas City, Missouri, and prior to that, served as Church Administrator and youth leader for the Community Church of Chesapeake, Virginia. Israel’s background includes preaching, prison ministry, teaching and small group leadership.