Could I But


Could I But


For I know my transgressions,

And my sin is ever before me (Psalm 51:3, NIV).


One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek . . .

to behold the beauty of the Lord (Psalm 27:4).


Could I but see that face I’d know 

So deep inside me beauty lives,

And all the ugliness I’ve done

Would be reformed, informed by love.


Could I but hear that voice of His — 

Like some bell sounding well below

The walled resistance of my mind — 

At last I would obey His law.


Could I but feel His touch on me

My sickness would be swept out clean —

The fever broken, shame flushed free —

And I would be a child again.

– James Sale


Sisters of Faith Medley Confronted by Grace

Written By

James Sale is a speaker, writer, and thought leader in new strategies for management. His work has appeared in a variety of publications in the United Kingdom. In the US, his work has appeared in Anglo Theological Review and Ancient Paths Literary Magazine. James won first prize in the Society of Classical Poets annual 2017 poetry competition and, as a result, was re-published in New York’s Epoch Times. He lives in Queens Park, Bournemouth in the UK.

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