
two ladies gossiping

Five Habits of Jesus-Followers Who Make “Christian Gossip” an Oxymoron

Reading Time: 4 minutesGossip. It is to modern Christianity what speeding is to modern society. An infraction at worst. Not even a…

two ladies having coffee

Christian Gossip: 5 Common Disguises of What Should be an Oxymoron

Reading Time: 5 minutesChristian gossip. Ponder that term with me for a moment… Shouldn’t it be an oxymoron? [bctt tweet=”‘Christian gossip’ should be…

stage curtain

How You Can Clarify Your Calling

Reading Time: 6 minutesGrowing up, we have grand dreams of adulthood. A vision of being able to fill our days with things…

grandmother holding a baby

Faith of our Mothers: Honoring the Church Mothers

Reading Time: 5 minutesOur eyes would connect at our church service each week as we sought one another out to embrace. Her…

wooden fence

Why Communicating Boundaries is Good

Reading Time: 4 minutesHave you set appropriate boundaries in your life? One way to evaluate this is to consider your relationship with the word…

daily planner

Why Character Trumps Accomplishment

Reading Time: 5 minutesA few times each week, I make an elaborate plan to sabotage myself. The assassination of my own character is often…

man standing beside broken glass

How Conflict Can be a Good Thing

Reading Time: 4 minutesConflict is the key ingredient to every compelling story. Without it, there’s no plot. This ingredient captivates the audience’s attention….

3 smiling little girls

A Vision for Christian Education in the Local Church – Part 3

Reading Time: 8 minutesYou see that three-year-old who can’t sit still during the sermon? The one whose daddy had to take him…

Child reading Bible

A Vision for Christian Education in the Local Church – Part 2

Reading Time: 6 minutesWeek after week, year after year, students of all ages – infant to elderly – take their seat to…

Child in classroom

A Vision for Christian Education in the Local Church – Part 1

Reading Time: 5 minutesOnce a year, the kids in my congregation’s Sabbath School classes are called to the front of the sanctuary….