Heart Matters

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe obsessive and exaggerated observance of church system and practice is common in the modern church. Nothing is wrong…


Reading Time: 2 minutes  Early in Scripture, we are commanded to celebrate: “Thou shalt surely rejoice” (Deuteronomy 16:15). The instructions are clear. Israel…

What Were You Thinking, Lord?

Reading Time: 3 minutesAfter fifty years serving the Church, my wife and I were happily settled into retirement. The last nineteen years…

Love: In Union with Christ

Reading Time: 3 minutesIs the hope for Jesus’ return close to your heart and mind as it was for first century disciples…

In One Accord

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe called them “campmeetings,” and sometimes they were just that — with the main meetings in a big tent….

Choosing Godly Leaders

Reading Time: 4 minutesThis summer brings change in leadership for many congregations and for our whole denomination. We are the ones selecting…

A Leader Reflects

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe BA talks with outgoing G. C. President Whaid Rose about his eighteen years of service and his future.

Our Rest, His Glory

Reading Time: 4 minutes  Rest: What a glorious word! Those who’ve labored under a summer sun know the blessing simple rest can bring….

Missional Sabbath

Reading Time: 2 minutesSome people claim that we who keep Sabbath on the seventh day are legalistic, exchanging God’s grace for law,…

Jesus on the Sabbath

Reading Time: 7 minutes    Growing up in Sabbathkeeping churches, I’ve heard hundreds of sermons dealing, directly or indirectly, with Sabbath. Most of these…