Chip Hinds

Life of Christ in lives of disciples

The Life of Christ: a Testimony of Beautiful Lives

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Life of Christ in the Lives of True Disciples Greetings in the name of Jesus, faithful disciples of the…

Power, authority, influence, and leadership

Power, Authority, Influence, and Leadership (PAIL)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Thoughts on Power, Authority, Influence, and Leadership (PAIL) from Chip Hinds. Dear Readers, Peace, joy, love, and hope in Jesus Christ…

Stay Focused

Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal

Reading Time: 13 minutesStay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal (Borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s

I've Got This!!!

“I’ve Got This!!!”

Reading Time: 5 minutes“I’ve Got This!!!”  (Borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Said Someone Who Was…

Becoming a Great Leader

Becoming a Great Leader – an Overnight Success

Reading Time: 8 minutesWhen you consider your leadership, do you think of it as a vocation, a science,…

12 Ways to Reduce Your Leadership Impact

Reading Time: 4 minutes  My intention is to become a vibrant leader as a vibrant member of a vibrant church….